[SM-Users] Thunderbird plugin for viewing diffs
Eric Sandall
2007-04-25 20:13:04 UTC
For all you Thunderbird users,

If you view diffs (such as those in SM-Commit[0]) you may like the
colored diffs plugin by Vadim Atlygin[1], which allows colored unified
diffs or, my favourite, side-by-side view (not quite as nice as meld,
but it's still handy). This makes reviewing our commits much easer (at
least for me ;)).

- -sandalle

[0] http://lists.ibiblio.org/pipermail/sm-commit/
[1] https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/4268

- --
Eric Sandall | Source Mage GNU/Linux Developer
eric at sandall.us PGP: 0xA8EFDD61 | http://www.sourcemage.org/
http://eric.sandall.us/ | http://counter.li.org/ #196285
Jeremy Blosser
2007-04-27 22:38:47 UTC
Post by Eric Sandall
For all you Thunderbird users,
If you view diffs (such as those in SM-Commit[0]) you may like the
colored diffs plugin by Vadim Atlygin[1], which allows colored unified
diffs or, my favourite, side-by-side view (not quite as nice as meld,
but it's still handy). This makes reviewing our commits much easer (at
least for me ;)).
And for people using mutt, here's a draft of some diff/commit mail
colorizing. It has some issues, namely that it isn't context-aware so will
tend to color all lines that start with + or -, but I figured I'd dump it
here vs. sitting on it until it's perfect. If you put all your commit
mails in a separate mailbox you probably won't mind anyway.

Some of these colors probably only look decent on with the hacked color
definitions I use locally, but they're easy to change to whatever you want.

color body cyan default "^[> ]*diff .+"
color body magenta default "^[> ]*@@ .+"
color body magenta default "^[> ]*Binary files .+ differ"
color body green default "^[> ]*\\+.*"
color body red default "^[> ]*-.*"

color body white default "^[> ]*GIT changes to .* by"
color body blue default "[0-9]+ files? changed"
color body green default "[0-9]+ insertions?\\(\\+\\)"
color body red default "[0-9]+ deletions?\\(-\\)"
color body white default "^[> ]*New commits:"
color body blue default "(cherry picked from )?commit [0-9a-f]{40}"
color body cyan default "^[> ]*Author: [^<]+[^ <]"
color body cyan brightdefault "^[> ]*Commit: [^<]+[^ <]"
color body red brightdefault "^[> ]*deleted file mode [0-9]{6}"
color body green brightdefault "^[> ]*new file mode [0-9]{6}"
color body brightblack default "^[> ]*index [0-9a-f]{7}\\.\\.[0-9a-f]{7}([0-9]{6})?"
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Vladimír Marek
2007-05-18 20:52:37 UTC
I'm sorry, I can't hold myself. Little shameless advertisement :)
Post by Jeremy Blosser
Post by Eric Sandall
If you view diffs (such as those in SM-Commit[0]) you may like the
colored diffs plugin by Vadim Atlygin[1], which allows colored unified
diffs or, my favourite, side-by-side view (not quite as nice as meld,
but it's still handy). This makes reviewing our commits much easer (at
least for me ;)).
And for people using mutt, here's a draft of some diff/commit mail
colorizing. It has some issues, namely that it isn't context-aware so will
tend to color all lines that start with + or -, but I figured I'd dump it
here vs. sitting on it until it's perfect. If you put all your commit
mails in a separate mailbox you probably won't mind anyway.
And for people viewing diff with vim, there's excellent plugin

Oh, and btw, thanks all for working on mutt