[SM-Users] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead
Eric Sandall
2007-01-05 16:06:40 UTC
Hey all,

It's now one of those months, with the position of Project Lead up for
grabs for those power-hungry souls. ;) Keep in mind that this position
is more like a democratic president than a dictator, in that you have to
work *with* the other Leads and will have trouble if you go around
dictating policies as you wish. :)

These nominations will last until January 12, 2007 and please follow our
Voting Policy[0].

Thank you,

- -sandalle

[0] http://www.sourcemage.org/VotingPolicy

- --
Eric Sandall | Source Mage GNU/Linux Developer
eric at sandall.us PGP: 0xA8EFDD61 | http://www.sourcemage.org/
http://eric.sandall.us/ | http://counter.li.org/ #196285