[SM-Users] Announcing stable grimoire 0.53 release
George Sherwood
2011-02-19 18:34:53 UTC
Stable grimoire version 0.53 has been released!

Spells listed on the 0.53[0] release wiki were tested.

The tarballs have been signed and uploaded to our server and will be
propogating out to the mirrors within six hours.

To download the grimoire manually, get
http://codex.sourcemage.org/stable.tar.bz2 or specifically

GPG signatures are available at
http://codex.sourcemage.org/stable.tar.bz2.asc or

Here's the shortlog[1] between 0.52 and 0.53:

Andra? Levstik (8):
xorg-server: updated to 1.9.2
Missed that an update is ready in -modular branch Revert
"xorg-server: updated to 1.9.2" abcde: update to 2.4.2
abcde: forgot removal of PRE_BUILD
dovecot: update to 2.0.9
exim: update to 4.73
ashd: update to 0.5
vimprobable: new spell, a vim inspired browser

Arjan Bouter (3):
remmina: another version bump, just missed it
fotoxx: version 10.12.1
awesome: version 3.4.9

Arwed von Merkatz (2):
pygobject: added patch for crasher bug 15929
gthumb2: added dependency on unique

Bor Kralji? (82):
kde4-l10n: updated spell to 4.5.5
kdeaccessibility4: updated spell to 4.5.5
kdeadmin4: updated spell to 4.5.5
kdeartwork4: updated spell to 4.5.5
kdebase-workspace4: updated spell to 4.5.5
kdebase4-runtime: updated spell to 4.5.5
kdebase4: updated spell to 4.5.5
kdebindings4: updated spell to 4.5.5
kdeedu4: updated spell to 4.5.5
kdegames4: updated spell to 4.5.5
kdegraphics4: updated spell to 4.5.5
kdelibs4: updated spell to 4.5.5
kdemultimedia4: updated spell to 4.5.5
kdenetwork4: updated spell to 4.5.5
kdepimlibs4: updated spell to 4.5.5
kdeplasmoids4: updated spell to 4.5.5
kdesdk4: updated spell to 4.5.5
kdetoys4: updated spell to 4.5.5
kdeutils4: updated spell to 4.5.5
kdewebdev4: updated spell to 4.5.5
oxygen-icons: updated spell to 4.5.5
kdebindings4: added patch that fixes compile problem with sip 4.12
taglib-extras: added WEB_SITE
aria2: updated spell to 1.10.9
cherokee: updated spell to 1.0.16
amarok2: updated spell to 2.4.0
mathomatic: updated spell to 15.4.0
popfile: changed time-date -> timedate
muttprint: changed time-date -> timedate
phonon: updated spell to 4.4.4
k3b4: updated spell to 2.0.2
akonadi: updated spell to 1.5.0
attica: updated spell to 0.2.0
kde4-l10n: updated spell to 4.6.0
kdeaccessibility4: updated spell to 4.6.0
kdeadmin4: updated spell to 4.6.0
kdeartwork4: updated spell to 4.6.0
kdebase-workspace4: updated spell to 4.6.0
kdebase4-runtime: updated spell to 4.6.0
kdebase4: updated spell to 4.6.0
kdebindings4: updated spell to 4.6.0
kdeedu4: updated spell to 4.6.0
kdegames4: updated spell to 4.6.0
kdegraphics4: updated spell to 4.6.0
kdelibs4: updated spell to 4.6.0
kdemultimedia4: updated spell to 4.6.0
kdenetwork4: updated spell to 4.6.0
kdepim4: updated spell to 4.4.9
kdepimlibs4: updated spell to 4.6.0
kdeplasmoids4: updated spell to 4.6.0
kdesdk4: updated spell to 4.6.0
kdetoys4: updated spell to 4.6.0
kdeutils4: updated spell to 4.6.0
kdewebdev4: updated spell to 4.6.0
oxygen-icons: updated spell to 4.6.0
soprano: updated spell to 2.5.63
kdebindings4: removed patches that are not needed anymore
pyqt4: updated spell to 4.8.3
sip: updated spell to 4.12.1
kdeutils4: removed PRE_BUILD, no longer needed
qtcurve-gtk2: updated spell to 1.8.5
qtcurve-kde4: updated spell to 1.8.4
grantlee: updated spell to 0.1.8
polkit-qt-1: updated spell to 0.99.0
libdbusmenu-qt: updated spell to 0.7.0
kdevelop4: updated spell to 4.2.0
kdevplatform4: updated spell to 1.2.0
cola: updated spell to 1.4.3
kdepim4-runtime: updated spell to 4.4.9
libcap: added patch to fix install problem without linux-pam (bug
#15932) k3b4: added option to disable hal
(https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=253388) kdepim4-runtime: updated
spell to 4.4.10 kdepim4: updated spell to 4.4.10
udisks: depend on policykit with gobject-introspection only if
gtk-doc is enabled kdelibs4: removing hal as dependecy
kdelibs4: added udisks as optional dependency
policykit: fixed syntax error
kde4-profile: added optional dependency to oxygen-icons
kdelibs4: added optional dependencies: upower, libdbusmenu-qt and
grantlee kchmviewer4: updated spell to 5.3
ktorrent4: updated spell to 4.0.5
libktorrent: updated spell to 1.0.5-3

David Haley (1):
zfs-fuse: has update

Eric Sandall (13):
wine: Updated devel to 1.3.11
gtk-vnc: Requires cyrus-sasl specifically, not any LIBSASL
configure: error: You must install the Cyrus SASL development package
in order to compile GTK-VNC Revert "gtk-vnc: Requires cyrus-sasl
specifically, not any LIBSASL" cyrus-sasl: Conflicts with libsasl
e.g. sasl/sasl.h conflicts libsasl: Conflicts with cyrus-sasl e.g.
sasl/sasl.h conflicts libvirt: Updated to 0.8.7 virt-manager: Updated
to 0.8.6 No longer apply py27.patch virtinst: Updated to 0.500.5
qemu: Install /usr/bin/qemu-kvm This allows virt-manager (and
other QEMU using apps) to "detect" that KVM hardware acceleration
is available. wine: Updated to 1.3.12 qemu: Increment PATCHLEVEL
(missed in prior commit) Revert "wine: Updated to 1.3.12"
xfce4-session: Be a little more verbose on what upower is for

Florian Franzmann (20):
mobile/gammu: version 1.28.0
mobile/wammu: version 0.35
x11/fbpanel: version 6.1
utils/nmon: new spell a system monitor
utils/nmon: added LDFLAGS to BUILD
utils/nmon: removed copy/pasted nonsense from description
gnustep-apps/gnustep-oolite: added optional support for the
developer version libs/libvdpau: version 0.4.1
devel/vala: version 0.11.3
Revert "devel/vala: version 0.11.3"
disk/fslint: version 2.42
devel/qt-creator: added optional support for the development
version libs/libumd: new spell, a library for rendering umd files
doc/apvlv: new spell, a pdf viewer with vim-like keybindings
editors/scribus4: corrected dependencies
doc/apvlv: removed unnecessary BUILD
archive-libs/zlib: set CFLAGS to avoid segfault in firefox
graphics-libs/gtkglextmm: fixed build with recent versions of gtk
utils/jstest-gtk: new spell, a joystick calibrator
graphics/xzgv: version 0.9.1

George Sherwood (29):
VERSION: 0.53-test
doxygen: Updated to version 1.7.3
phpmyadmin: Updated to version 3.3.9
mono: Updated to version 2.8.2
coreutils: Updated to version 8.9 (cherry picked from commit
e6a7274afdfc98b80b9d76a13096ef31a3faa66f) imagemagick: Updated to
version 6.6.6-10 php: stable updated to version 5.3.5 and legacy
updated to version 5.2.17. SECURITY_PATCH++ glib2: Updated devel to
version 2.27.90 gtk+2: Updated devel to version 2.23.90
gtk+3: Updated to version 2.99.0
zlip: Added sed from LFS to fix zlib.h. UP_TRIGGERS to ensure
system is stable. Should also fix Bug 15927. webkitgtk3: Updated
to version 1.3.10 epiphany: Updated devel to version 2.91.5
firefox: Updated devel to version 4.0b9
imagemagick: Updated to version 6.6.7-1
glib2: Updated devel to version 2.27.91
gtk+3: Updated to version 2.99.2
epiphany: Added depends gnome-settings-daemon for devel verison
telepathy-logger: Added depends telepathy-glib
vala: Added devel version 0.11.5 and sub_depends to force it
dconf: Added new spell
imagemagick: Updated to version 6.6.7-3
terminal: Updated to version 0.4.6. Added upstream patch needed
until 0.4.7 is released. glib2: Updated devel to version 2.27.93
midori: Updated to version 0.3.0
gobject-introspection: Updated to version 0.10.1
gtk+2: Updated devel to version 2.24.0. After testing this
should be stable version. VERSION: 0.53-rc
VERSION: 0.53-0

Ismael Luceno (42):
emacs-lisp: new section, for emacs extensions
yasnippet: move to emacs-lisp
emacs-wiki: move into emacs-lisp section
bibl-mode: move into emacs-lisp section
cc-mode: move into emacs-lisp section
remember: move into emacs-lisp section
yasnippet: fix snippets installation
emacs-lisp: move generic functionality from yasnippet to FUNCTIONS
egg: new spell, Emacs Got Git
php-mode: PHP mode for Emacs
cluck: new spell, shameless clone of Quack
doc-mode: new spell, Emacs Mode for AsciiDoc Fontlocking
haml-mode: new spell, Major mode for editing Haml files for
emacsen sinatra_el: new spell, Emacsen minor mode for the Sinatra web
mini-framework scss-mode: new spell, Emacsen major mode for editing
SCSS files fix dates on haml-mode scss-mode and sinatra_el
coffee-mode: new spell, CoffeeScript Major Mode for emacsen
clojure-mode: new spell, A mode for emacs that handles clojure
sparse: update spell to 0.4.2
identica-mode: new spell, Emacs major mode for identi.ca
cc-mode: remove redundancy from the description
emacs-lisp/*: remove whitespace and fix capitalization
emacs-lisp/*: remove description's redundancy
haml-mode: add a proper description
sinatra_el: add a description
scss-mode: add proper description
qjson: new spell, library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects
qoauth: new spell, A Qt-based library for OAuth authorization
scheme choqok: new spell, micro-blogging client for KDE
choqok: add scm version
choqok: fix license
choqok: depends on kdelibs4
kdebase4: depends on qimageblitz
gtk-qt-engine: update to 1.1
gtk-qt-engine: remove bogus dependencies
gtk-qt-engine: move to kde4-look
partimage-ng: expand url
partimage-ng: remove whitespace at the end of lines in DETAILS
partimage-ng: add autoupdate choice
dev86: update to version 0.16.18
gtk-qt-engine: fix build flags and make it consistent with the
section qutecom: depend on LIBAVCODEC instead of ffmpeg

Julien ROZO (8):
kdelis: added a patch to fix compilation issue with openssl
version 1.0.0 kdebase: added a patch to fix compilation issue with
openssl version 1.0.0 kdenetwork: added a patch to fix compilation
issue with gcc 4.4 mysql-workbench: updated version to 5.2.31
libmsn: added a patch to fix compilation issue with openssl
version 1.0.0 libmsn: oops ! was calling the wrong patch in PRE_BUILD
qca-tls: added a patch to fix compilation issue with openssl
version 1.0.0 ntfs-3g: updated version to 2011.1.15

Ladislav Hagara (130):
scite 2.23
iso-codes 3.24
net/unbound: new spell, validating, recursive, and caching DNS
resolver accounts, groups: unbound added
unbound: user unbound created
unbound: init.d/unbound script added
libraw 0.12.2
libcanberra 0.26
libasyncns 0.8
linux 2.6.37
wxcam 1.0.7
mesalib: config_query_multi MESALIB_GALLIUM updated
mesalib: AVAILABLE_DRIVERS updated, r600 is in stable now
coreutils 8.8 (cherry picked from commit
8ac88c4ae975c2d278cc053ba13b94d6fcfd4d3e) installwatch 2010-12-12
(cherry picked from commit d136f54f6a282547bbad0e0a52133164e1dcd22f)
installwatch: now compatible with stable sorcery #13873 (cherry
picked from commit 3a21cbccf5b171186bf173854841c897d7f4e40a) libmtp
1.0.4 atkmm 2.22.2 mesalib 7.9.1 (stable), 7.10 (feature, developement)
lsscsi 0.24
botan 1.8.11
gsasl 1.6.0, vendor gpg checking (gnu.gpg)
libdrm 2.4.23 (cherry picked from commit
689bd77f30b8aa27c2e99d87619c0c7f13743708) libquicktime 1.2.2
gexiv2 0.3.0
shotwell 0.8.1
wireshark 1.4.3, SECURITY_PATCH=27
lvm 2.02.80
gthumb2 2.12.2
sudo 1.7.4p5, SECURITY_PATCH=6
sdl_ttf 2.0.10
gnupg-exp 2.0.17
crypto/GnuPG.gpg: added key 4F25E3B6, Werner Koch's new key
audacious 2.4.3
audacious-plugins 2.4.3
talloc 2.0.5
libs/libdmapsharing: new spell, a library that implements the
DMAP family of protocols gtk-doc 1.16
nspr 4.8.7
nss 3.12.9
elfutils 0.151
system-config-printer 1.2.6
pycups 1.9.53
ddrescue 1.14
iproute2 2.6.37
rhythmbox 0.13.3
erlang R14B01
wings3d 1.4
file 5.05
lftp 4.1.3
slang 2.2.3
ldns 1.6.7
virtualbox 4.0.2
virtualbox-module 4.0.2
lvm 2.02.81
gavl 1.2.0
gmerlin 1.0.0
gmerlin-avdecoder 1.1.0
gmerlin-encoders 1.0.0
lemuria 2.1.0
ncftp 3.2.5
audio-soft/fische: new spell, standalone sound visualization
jpeg 8c
multitail 5.2.7
sudo 1.7.4p6
libmms 0.6.2
gstreamer 0.10.32
gst-plugins-base 0.10.32
gst-plugins-good 0.10.27
gst-plugins-ugly 0.10.17
gst-plugins-bad 0.10.21
gnonlin 0.10.17
gst-python 0.10.21
digikam4 1.8.0
kipi-plugins4 1.8.0
vlc 1.1.6, SECURITY_PATCH=15, CVE-2010-3907 / VideoLAN-SA-1007
openssh 5.7p1
feh 1.11
wine 1.3.12
video/bino: new spell, 3D video player with multi-display support
live 2011.01.24
pcmanfm: pcmanfm-0.5.2-fix-ca-translation.patch really removed
kde4-support/phonon-backend-gstreamer: new spell, Phonon
GStreamer backend kde4-support/phonon-backend-xine: new spell,
Phonon Xine backend kde4-support/phonon-backend-vlc: new spell, Phonon
VLC backend hdparm 9.37
gmime 2.4.22
ldns 1.6.8
libcap 2.20
lvm 2.02.82
xpdf xpdf-3.02pl5.patch applied, SECURITY_PATCH=7
vim: stale patches removed
vim: vim-patches-tarball script added
vim 7.3.107
libcap-ng 0.6.5
cryptopp 561
libssh 0.4.8
poppler 0.16.1
monodevelop 2.4.2
feh 1.11.1
gdisk 0.6.14
unbound 1.4.8
editors/dhex: new spell, hex editor with a diff mode
nilfs-utils 2.0.21
totem-pl-parser 2.32.2
libgee 0.6.1
utils/quvi: new spell, flash video download link parser
banshee 1.8.1
mplayer 1.0rc4
git 1.7.4
libgnome 2.32.1
libgnomeui 2.24.5
vlc 1.1.7, SECURITY_PATCH=16, VideoLAN-SA-1102
http://www.videolan.org/security/sa1102.html amsn 0.98.4
maradns 1.4.06, SECURITY_PATCH=2, CVE-2011-0520
libv4l 0.8.2
v4l-utils 0.8.2
make: added patches, fixed for example dev86 #15933
openssh 5.8p1, SECURITY_PATCH=5 (cherry picked from commit
777ef4c6f60816fe65febc57d6e2ec60d5fd687f) pidgin 2.7.10 (cherry
picked from commit 368d86ecfe9f23c746a87413978042553baaf16c) openssl
0.9.8r, 1.0.0d, SECURITY_PATCH=12 (cherry picked from commit
9c3b304867703eb5478ae2af492e34eb9dee0480) openssl 1.0.0d is signed by
key 5A6A9B85 webkitgtk 1.2.7, SECURITY_PATCH=4 CVE-2010-4492
CVE-2010-4493 CVE-2011-0482 CVE-2010-4199 CVE-2010-4578 (cherry
picked from commit 236ed1c1d7dfd56d441c23fd170f955841195827) feh
1.11.2, SECURITY_PATCH=2, CVE-2011-0702 (cherry picked from commit
6f8d878e24c93d8883a1c9b0d89b41a421446011) ncftp SOURCE_HASH updated,
sources changed upstream, #15942 (cherry picked from commit

Philippe Caseiro (24):
video/avidemux2 : Adding missing dep on yasm
e-17/elsa : Adding new EFL login manager Elsa spell
graphics/shotwell : Adding json-glib as dep
graphics/shotwell : Adding webkitgtk as dep
e-17/eclair: removing dead spell
e-17/econcentration: new spell memory game
e-17 : cleaning dead spells
updating Changelog
Updating evas to version 1.0.0
Updating eina to version 1.0.0
Updating e_dubs to version 1.0.0
Updating ecore to version 1.0.0
Updating edje to version 1.0.0
Updating eet to version 1.4.0
Updating eeze to version 1.0.0
Updating efreet to version 1.0.0
Updating embryo to version 1.0.0
Fixing missing SOURCE_URL
Fixing syntax error
e-17/elementary: Updating download url
Removing ecore
removing entropy
Removing evolve
Updating Changelog

Pol Vinogradov (6):
doc/epdfview: fix building with poppler 0.16
spelling/stardict: more fixes to build with gtk 2.23
kernels/kqemu: added patch to build with 2.6.37 kernel
x11/xneur: updated to 0.11.1
gnome2-apps/gxneur: updated to 0.11.1
http/firefox: updated FIREFOX_CVS to 4.0b10

Remko van der Vossen (3):
live: version 2011.01.10
mesalib: missing dependencies
dhcpcd: fixed source hash

Robin Cook (4):
gthumb2: PRE_BUILD added to apply exiv2 patch until next release.
cdrdao: added if statments to get CVS version to compile
mlt: re-did frei0r entry to fix whatever had gotten wonky
ircii: updated to 20081115

Thomas Orgis (2):
mpg123: bump to 1.13.1
mpg123: prepare for a world where .la files get purged

Treeve Jelbert (10):
apiextractor: => 0.9.2
shiboken: => 1.0.0~beta3
pyside: => qt4.7+1.0.0~beta3
pyside-tools: => 0.2.5
ccache: => 3.1.4
upower: => 0.9.8
openrpt: => 3.2.1
libburn: => 1.0.0
libisofs: => 1.0.0
libisoburn: => 1.0.0.pl00

Vlad Glagolev (118):
thunar-media-tags-plugin: renewed urls
net-snmp: => 5.6.1
poppler: => 0.16.0
guvcview: => 1.4.3
gbdfed: fixed compilation with GTK+ >=2.22
updated upstream tarball (safe), diff:
http://bpaste.net/show/12664/ atkmm: updated upstream tarball (safe),
diff: http://sprunge.us/iXLE ppp: fixed compilation with 2.6.35
headers, made use of optimization flags cdrdao: fixed compilation with
recent headers gnupg: more specific comment for static build
mc: readded screen selection option
ladspa: use correct optimization flags
procps: fixed bug about some 'Unknown HZ value' warnings in new
kernels isomaster: => 1.3.8
enrico.gpg: added key D8C850FB Nick Treleaven (ntrel)
<nick.treleaven at btinternet.com> geany: => 0.20
cups: => 1.4.6
hplip: fixed bugs related to console tools and udev deprecations
webkitgtk: fixed multijob build
hal: removed not needed dependency
znc: corrected deps
leafpad: =>
libdrm: => 2.4.23
xf86-video-intel: => 2.14.0
Revert "libdrm: => 2.4.23"
libgda4: => 4.2.3
libxft: added missing dependency (cherry picked from commit
76acddb4d0772f285134fee3eb66bee5f54400a1) Revert "libxft: added missing
dependency" wv: => 1.2.9
pangomm: added missing dependency
mesalib: export MESALIB_BUILD
xf86-video-intel: corrected dependencies
added postgrey account
net-snmp: corrected description in init script config
librsync: build shared library
csync2: new spell, cluster synchronization tool, 2nd generation
ocfs2-tools: added init system
drbd: =>
drbd: return back correct history date
mpd: => 0.16.1
pcre: => 8.12
whois: => 5.0.10
xcache: => 1.3.1
dspam: corrected some paths and init script
dmidecode: => 2.11
wpa_supplicant: => 0.7.3
perl: => 5.12.3
gtkdatabox: new spell, GTK+2 widget to display large amounts of
numerical data klavaro: new spell, GTK+2 touch typing tutor program
gvfs: added missing dependencies
xfce4-dev-tools: => 4.8.0
libxfce4util: => 4.8.1
xfconf: => 4.8.0
libxfce4ui: => 4.8.0
libxfcegui4: => 4.8.0
exo: => 0.6.0
garcon: new spell, Xfce4 freedesktop.org compliant menu
implementation xfce4-panel: => 4.8.0
thunar: => 1.2.0
thunar-vfs: new spell, vfs subsystem for Thunar
xfce4-settings: => 4.8.0
xfce4-session: => 4.8.0
xfwm4: => 4.8.0
xfwm4-themes: updated source urls
xfdesktop: => 4.8.0
xfce4-appfinder: => 4.8.0
xfce-utils: => 4.8.0
gtk-xfce-engine: => 2.8.0
xfce4-taskmanager: => 1.0.0
xfce4-mixer: updated source url
xfce4-icon-theme: updated source url
xfce4-dict: updated source url
terminal: updated source url
ristretto: updated source url
parole: updated source url
orage: => 4.8.0
notification-daemon-xfce: updated source url
mousepad: updated source url
libxfce4menu: updated source url
removed unneeded files in xfce section
evince: fixed dependencies -- gnome-doc-utils is _optional_
python-gnupg: => 0.2.6
loop-aes: => 3.6a
nsd: => 3.2.7
mariadb: => 5.2.4
dspam: fixed virtual users option
exim: => 4.74 (security)
added account data for dspam
dspam: switched to separate user for security
nmap: => 5.50
minicom: => 2.5
xz-utils: => 5.0.1
tdb: => 1.2.9
poppler: => 0.16.2
talloc: corrected dependencies
postgresql: => 9.0.2
terminal: => 0.4.6
terminal: added gnome-doc-utils opt dep
thunar: => 1.2.1
xfce-utils: => 4.8.1
xfce4-panel: => 4.8.1
xfce4-settings: => 4.8.1
xfdesktop: => 4.8.1
xfwm4: => 4.8.1
thunar-volman: => 0.6.0
sylpheed: => 3.1.0
dspam: added mta support and fixed right settings for it
postgresql: => 9.0.3
sqlite: => 3.7.5
alsa-lib: =>
alsa-utils: =>
mongodb: corrected lib prefix on x86_64
scalar-list-utils: new spell, replacement for the builtin
distribution filehandle-unget: new spell, FileHandle which supports
ungetting of multiple bytes mail-mbox-messageparser: new spell, fast
and simple mbox folder reader mail-mboxparser: module for working with
UNIX-flavoured mailboxes postgresql: this was a security update
sqlite: turn back tcl support as multiversion spell option
(tea) (cherry picked from commit

0] http://wiki.sourcemage.org/Stable-0.53
[1] Generated: 'git shortlog --no-merges stable-0.52-3..stable-0.53-0'

George Sherwood
Source Mage GNU/Linux developer
