George Sherwood
2011-03-12 16:39:18 UTC
Stable grimoire version 0.53-2 has been updated to 0.53-3
The tarballs have been signed and uploaded to our server and will be
propogating out to the mirrors within six hours.
To download the grimoire manually, get or specifically
GPG signatures are available at or
Following updates were integrated[0]:
Ladislav Hagara (2):
pidgin 2.7.11, SECURITY_PATCH=9, CVE-2011-1091
subversion 1.6.16, SECURITY_PATCH=1
Bug fixes:
Eric Sandall (19):
libical: JDK is in z-rejected
gnome-games2: Requires json-glib built with GINTRO for gobject-introspection
clutter: Requires json-glib built with GINTRO for gobject-introspection
json-glib: Optionally depends on gobject-introspection (was autodetected)
Allow forcing gobject-introspection depends Bug #15954
evolution-sharp: Updated to 0.21.1 SOURCE matches upstream posted SHA256
evolution-sharp: Fixes Bug #14945 (thanks Ladislav)
Depends on autoconf (to rebuild configure from
Apply evolution-sharp-0.21.1-fix-retarded-version-check.patch
Fixes compilation against newer evolution-data-server
deskbar-applet: Depends on gnome-python-desktop built with gnome-panel
telepathy-glib: Depends on vala built with vapigen (Bug #15950)
vala: Allow forcing vapigen config
libgksu: Fix spaces -> tabs in Makefile.{in,am}
proxymngr: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
xfs: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
lbxproxy: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
xhost: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
libxmu: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
libsm: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
libice: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
xauth: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
libfs: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
Remko van der Vossen (1):
dhcpcd: version 5.2.11
George Sherwood
Source Mage GNU/Linux developer
[0] git shortlog --no-merges stable-0.53-2..stable-0.53-3
The tarballs have been signed and uploaded to our server and will be
propogating out to the mirrors within six hours.
To download the grimoire manually, get or specifically
GPG signatures are available at or
Following updates were integrated[0]:
Ladislav Hagara (2):
pidgin 2.7.11, SECURITY_PATCH=9, CVE-2011-1091
subversion 1.6.16, SECURITY_PATCH=1
Bug fixes:
Eric Sandall (19):
libical: JDK is in z-rejected
gnome-games2: Requires json-glib built with GINTRO for gobject-introspection
clutter: Requires json-glib built with GINTRO for gobject-introspection
json-glib: Optionally depends on gobject-introspection (was autodetected)
Allow forcing gobject-introspection depends Bug #15954
evolution-sharp: Updated to 0.21.1 SOURCE matches upstream posted SHA256
evolution-sharp: Fixes Bug #14945 (thanks Ladislav)
Depends on autoconf (to rebuild configure from
Apply evolution-sharp-0.21.1-fix-retarded-version-check.patch
Fixes compilation against newer evolution-data-server
deskbar-applet: Depends on gnome-python-desktop built with gnome-panel
telepathy-glib: Depends on vala built with vapigen (Bug #15950)
vala: Allow forcing vapigen config
libgksu: Fix spaces -> tabs in Makefile.{in,am}
proxymngr: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
xfs: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
lbxproxy: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
xhost: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
libxmu: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
libsm: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
libice: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
xauth: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
libfs: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
Remko van der Vossen (1):
dhcpcd: version 5.2.11
George Sherwood
Source Mage GNU/Linux developer
[0] git shortlog --no-merges stable-0.53-2..stable-0.53-3