[SM-Users] stable grimoire 0.53-3 released
George Sherwood
2011-03-12 16:39:18 UTC
Stable grimoire version 0.53-2 has been updated to 0.53-3

The tarballs have been signed and uploaded to our server and will be
propogating out to the mirrors within six hours.

To download the grimoire manually, get
http://codex.sourcemage.org/stable.tar.bz2 or specifically

GPG signatures are available at
http://codex.sourcemage.org/stable.tar.bz2.asc or

Following updates were integrated[0]:

Ladislav Hagara (2):
pidgin 2.7.11, SECURITY_PATCH=9, CVE-2011-1091
subversion 1.6.16, SECURITY_PATCH=1

Bug fixes:

Eric Sandall (19):
libical: JDK is in z-rejected
gnome-games2: Requires json-glib built with GINTRO for gobject-introspection
clutter: Requires json-glib built with GINTRO for gobject-introspection
json-glib: Optionally depends on gobject-introspection (was autodetected)
Allow forcing gobject-introspection depends Bug #15954
evolution-sharp: Updated to 0.21.1 SOURCE matches upstream posted SHA256
evolution-sharp: Fixes Bug #14945 (thanks Ladislav)
Depends on autoconf (to rebuild configure from configure.in)
Apply evolution-sharp-0.21.1-fix-retarded-version-check.patch
Fixes compilation against newer evolution-data-server
deskbar-applet: Depends on gnome-python-desktop built with gnome-panel
telepathy-glib: Depends on vala built with vapigen (Bug #15950)
vala: Allow forcing vapigen config
libgksu: Fix spaces -> tabs in Makefile.{in,am}
proxymngr: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
xfs: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
lbxproxy: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
xhost: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
libxmu: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
libsm: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
libice: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
xauth: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951
libfs: Configure flag IPv6 -> ipv6, PATCHLEVEL++, Bug #15951

Remko van der Vossen (1):
dhcpcd: version 5.2.11

George Sherwood
Source Mage GNU/Linux developer

[0] git shortlog --no-merges stable-0.53-2..stable-0.53-3
